K is for Kids’ teen leaders, spokespersons, interns and scholarship winners gathered with their families recently at the foundation’s inaugural Top Leaders Reception.
“Our student leaders powered through another record breaking year,” said Karen Clawson, founder and executive director, “so it’s a pleasure to be able to recognize all their hard work and thank them for their contributions.”
Two dozen students participated in the event, held on Sunday, May 31st at the Hilton Naples. A handful of student were unable to attend but would receive their awards individually.
The event started off a surprise announcement of two new scholarships for students. Karen Clawson, K is for Kids’ founder and volunteer executive director told the audience, “Our first award today is a new scholarship for $1,000 that my husband Pat and I have created in honor of our daughter, Erin.” Later Karen announced the second scholarship that was also created in honor of her son, Patrick Clawson, Jr., for $500.

K is for Kids’ Reception for Student Leaders began with the surprise announcements of two new scholarships awarded in honor of founder Karen Clawson’s two children: Barron Collier High School graduate Hadrien Roy was awarded the Patrick Clawson Jr. Vision Scholarship for $500 and Palmetto Ridge High School graduate Nedgie Paul was awarded the Erin Clawson Victory Scholarship for $1,000. The two also received certificates from Collier County Public Schools for their executive internships for K is for Kids. Both students performed full internships focusing on business administration and communications during their senior year while serving on the foundation’s top leadership council, DOSA- Directorate of Student Agenda. DOSA members serve as the foundation’s “young executives”. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School rising senior student.
The excitement remained high as Karen continued giving awards for outstanding achievement to top student leaders and interns (click here to read more – https://kisforkids.org/news/student-leaders-make-history-with-k-is-for-kids/).

Daylin Baez, a junior student at Lorenzo Walker Technical High School and the Walker Institute of Technology, was the foundation’s youngest intern this year in videography. Daylin also served as the lead videographer for the 4th Annual K is for Kids Teen Fashion Show and was a finalist in the foundation’s 2nd Annual Y.E.S. Comp. Photo by Ann Alvarez, Gulf Coast High School.
FInalists in the Y.E.S. Comp.-Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Competition also gave presentations (click here to read who placed first –https://kisforkids.org/news/k-is-for-kids-2nd-annual-y-e-s-competition-won-by-senior-duo-from-barron-collier-high-school/).

Finalists Tyler Schult (left) and Hadrien Roy, both recent graduates of Barron Collier High School, give presentations for the Y.E.S. Comp. (Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Competition) on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at the K is for Kids Top Leaders Reception. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.
While judges convened to determine the winner of the Y.E.S. Comp., Jason Kurek, one of the three judges for the Teen Illustrator Contest for children’s book “White Moon, Purple Sea and the Underwater Circus” spoke to the audience about the one-of-a-kind competition. Then, he and Karen, the author of the book, announced the winner and runner-up (click here to read more – https://kisforkids.org/news/naples-high-school-graduate-wins-teen-illustrator-contest/).

L-R: Jason Kurek, one of the judges for K is for Kids’ Teen Illustrator Contest for children’s book “White Moon, Purple Sea and the Underwater Circus” and author of “Chronoblood Chronicles” stands with the five finalists – Kaileen McHugh, Palmetto Ridge High School graduate; Kristina Cortada, a junior at Lorenzo Walker Technical High School; Celine Consolo, a Barron Collier High School junior; Darice Pollard, Naples High School graduate; and standing in for her daughter Sarah Renfroe is her mother Beth. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.
Another award was given, but this time from the student leaders themselves to an adult: Each year the top student leaders serving on DOSA – Directorate of Student Agenda, vote which adult supporter will win the annual Shining Star Award. The award is given to an adult mentor, supporter and/or sponsor who made the greatest impact on the teens’ mission or programs.
Craig Bouchard was chosen as the Shining Star Award for 2013-14. Craig is an international entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author and creator of the “Adventures of Ai” video game and eBook. (Click here to read more – https://kisforkids.org/news/craig-bouchard-receives-students-shining-star-award/)

Craig Bouchard, international entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author of “The Caterpillar Way”, and creator/author of the “Adventures of Ai” video game and eBook, addresses students and families after winning the Shining Star Award for his impact on the teens’ mission and programs 2013-14. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School rising senior student.
Craig was also on hand to announce the winners of the Y.E.S. Comp!

Craig Bouchard, at center, with the winning duo of the Y.E.S. Comp. (Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Competition) Tyler Schult at left and Hadrien Roy at right. Both students are recent graduates of Barron Collier High School. Shown l-r: Karen Clawson K is for Kids founder, executive director and creator of the competition; Pat Clawson, judge and K is for Kids director; Tyler, Craig, Hadrien; judge Tiffany McQuaid of of McQuaid & Company Real Estate Services and McQuaid Marketing & Promotions; and judge Vin Izzi of Izzi Consulting, and K is for Kids director. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a rising senior student at Gulf Coast High School.
Meet Our Student Photographer
Many thanks to Ann Alvarez, student photographer and rising senior at Gulf Coast High School, who shot all the photos for K is for Kids’ “Top Leaders Reception” at Hilton Naples. K is for Kids is a teen-driven organization in which teens, particularly juniors and seniors nearing graduation, manage all aspects of the organization’s mission. K is for Kids is for the kids, by the kids, and with the kids!
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K is for Kids Foundation
c/o Karen Clawson, Founder & Exec. Dir. * 4601 Oak Leaf Drive * Naples, FL 34119
Together we will “Climb higher. Help others.”