Tyler Schult and Hadrien Roy, both recent graduates of Barron Collier High School, took first place in K is for Kids’ Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Competition 2015.
“Each presentation and project was inspiring,” said Pat Clawson, one of the three judges. “The winning team articulated their business plan and its current state, where they will go next and how they will get there, the best,” said judge Pat Clawson.
The Y.E.S. Comp, as it is popularly called, is an initiative by K is for Kids Foundation to foster students’ innovation and community involvement. Competitors had the opportunity to apply their skills, and ideas, to the business of helping others through K is for Kids mission of building readers and leaders. Contestants enter their small business plan summaries for an opportunity to earn scholarship monies — $1,000 for first place, $500 for second, and $250 for third — that will help support their entrepreneurial passion.
Judge Vin Izzi described it this way, “The Y.E.S. Competition offers students in the idea and/or startup phase of their business the opportunity to research, develop and clearly articulate the critical elements that will compel K is for Kids Foundation (and others) to invest in their business, i.e. to award them a scholarship. In essence, competitors create a blueprint and present it. The judges assess the viability of the idea, product and/or service as well as its current and potential impact.”
Craig Bouchard, international entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author and a seasonal resident of Naples, was on hand again this year to congratulate the winners (see photo at bottom of Craig with Nicholas Nolan, the Young Entrepreneur 2014). Craig also was honored as K is for Kids Shining Star 2014, an annual award in which the foundation’s top student leaders select the individual who most positively impacted their readers and leaders programs. (Click here to read more https://kisforkids.org/news/craig-bouchard-receives-students-shining-star-award/.)

Craig Bouchard, international entrepreneur , New York Times bestselling author and K is for Kids’ Shining Star 2014, stands alongside Y.E.S. Comp. winners Tyler Schult (left) and Hadrien Roy. Both young men had just graduated from Barron Collier High School and now head off to college: Tyler will be attending High Point University in North Carolina, and Hadrien will be attending the University of Florida. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School rising senior student.

Judges and K is for Kids founder congratulate Hadrien & Tyler, winners of the Y.E.S. Comp., on their outstanding presentation. Shown l-r: Karen Clawson, Pat Clawson, Hadrien Roy, Tiffany McQuaid, Tyler Schult, Vin Izzi, & Craig Bouchard. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.
During the competition, each student, duo or team receives a personal consultation with each of the three judges who themselves represent a wide spectrum of business leadership: Pat Clawson is a chief executive officer with a successful track record of running software companies. He also serves as a director for K is for Kids. Vin Izz is the founder and President of IZZI Business Consulting (IBC), a privately owned executive education consulting firm who also serves on K is for Kids Board of Directors. Tiffany McQuaid, who is widely regarded as a marketing guru, heads two companies – McQuaid & Company Real Estate Services and McQuaid Marketing & Promotions.

Finalists Tyler Schult (left) and Hadrien Roy, both recent graduates of Barron Collier High School, give presentations for the Y.E.S. Comp. (Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Competition) on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at the K is for Kids Top Leaders Reception. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.
The Barron Collier team presented research and development ideas for a company called “After Party Productions.” Pat said the judges were impressed with Hadrien and Tyler’s project that reflected “a comprehensive business strategy that delivers three separate product elements traditionally found in separate companies united in one entity that would simplify purchase and delivery.”

Y.E.S. Comp finalist, Hadrien Roy, giving presentation. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.

Hadrien Roy, participant of Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Competition, gives presentation. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.

Tyler Schult gives presentation for Y.E.S. Comp. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.

Graduate of Barron Collier High School, Tyler Schult, presenting research and development ideas for a company called “After Party Productions. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.
Competitors had a personal consultation with each of the three judges. Diana Alas, shown below, valued by Tiffany McQuaid’s advise to look beyond doing something normal. “She told me to try to find a shiny penny,” said Diana.
Diana Alas was runner-up for the competition, presenting her vision for a “Busy Kids” software application. Pat reported that Diana’s project “had the best research and foundational business elements.” Constructive suggestions given by the judges panel, he said, included “more on how to move forward.”

Diana Alas, a rising senior at Lely High School wins 2nd place at the Y.E.S. Comp. Shown l-r: Pat Clawson, judge and K is for Kids director; Karen Clawson, K is for Kids founder, executive director and creator of the competition; judge Tiffany McQuaid of McQuaid & Company Real Estate Services and McQuaid Marketing & Promotions; Craig Bouchard, international entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author; Diana Alas; and judge Vin Izzi of Izzi Business Consulting, and a foundation director. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.

Diana Alas presenting for Y.E.S. Comp at Top Leaders Reception. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.
Daylin Baez, a junior student at Lorenzo Walker Technical High School and the Walker Institute of Technology, came in third with her filmmaking business proposal. Daylin “demonstrated massive creativity.” said Pat, “and less business.” Tiffany agreed and was so impressed with Daylin’s creative videography and execution that she asked Daylin to apply for a summer position with her company!

Daylin Baez is announced as 3rd place winner of Y.E.S. Comp, while judges applaud for her achievement. (l-r) Pat Clawson, Tiffany McQuaid, and Vin Izzi. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.

Daylin Baez, 3rd place winner of Y.E.S. Comp, with judges. (l-r) Pat Clawson, judge and K is for Kids director; Tiffany McQuaid of McQuaid & Company Real Estate Services and McQuaid Marketing & Promotions; Daylin Baez; Craig Bouchard, New York Times bestselling author of “The Caterpillar Way”; judge Vin Izzi of Izzi Consulting, and K is for Kids director, & Karen Clawson K is for Kids founder, executive director and creator of the competition. Photo by Ann Alvarez, a Gulf Coast High School student.

Daylin Baez, junior student at Lorenzo Walker Institute & Technical High School, gives presentation for Y.E.S. Comp. Photo by Ann Alvarez, student at Gulf Coast High School.
The Y.E.S. Competition, open to Collier County high school juniors and seniors, was conceived and launched in 2014 by K is for Kids’ founder and executive director Karen Clawson. “The contest is a ‘working’ example of our student leaders motto to ‘Climb higher. Help others.’ plus it offers competitors hands-on experience in taking an idea to the next level,” she said.
What I enjoy most is that this event offers a fun way for students who are entering college and/or the workforce to think “outside the box” when it comes to how they can earn income – do they see a need that is unfilled in the marketplace and have a unique way to meet it? The experience also helps them identify things they are truly passionate about doing and may want to pursue professionally.
As Stephen R. Covey wrote in his bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ‘… it’s easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life, climbing higher and higher on the ladder of success, only to discover it’s leaning against the wrong wall.’ Our foundation wants to help our students find the right wall.”

Nicholas Nolan, at right, is congratulated by Craig Bouchard on being the Young Entrepreneur 2014 during K is for Kids’ inaugural competition. Photo by Mary Kay Bernard.
Meet Our Student Photographer
Many thanks to Ann Alvarez, student photographer and rising senior at Gulf Coast High School, who shot all the photos for K is for Kids’ “Top Leaders Reception” at Hilton Naples. K is for Kids is a teen-driven organization in which teens, particularly juniors and seniors nearing graduation, manage all aspects of the organization’s mission. K is for Kids is for the kids, by the kids, and with the kids!
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