Sponsored by international entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Craig Bouchard as a way to unite youth and inspire their creativity, the popular “Adventures of Ai” video game contest and children’s eBook has already captured the efforts of thousands of kids of all ages across the world.

Craig Bouchard, New York Times bestselling author and international entrepreneur announces Nicholas Nolan, a senior student at Barron Collier High School as K is for Kids’ Young Entrepreneur 2014 at the annual “From the Heart” Teen Fashion Show building readers and leaders.
K is for Kids Foundation is one of 22 charities benefiting from the contest.
How to download and play the game: https://kisforkids.org/news/kids-help-children-around-the-world-by-competing-in-video-game-contest/
Student leaders and spokespersons for K is for Kids are participating as well. Click here to see the PSA and videos they created: https://kisforkids.org/news/students-create-videos-for-adventures-of-ai-video-game-contest/
“K is for Kids and our team of teen leaders are delighted to introduce ‘Adventures of Ai’ to the children of our community,” said Karen D. Clawson, founder and executive director of K is for Kids Foundation. “As children experience Ai’s resolve to overcome hurdles and reveal the truth she seeks, we believe they too will aspire to be more creative thinkers and adventurous problem solvers — two important cornerstones of K is for Kids’ mission of ‘building readers and leaders.’ We look forward to the World Charity Cup and being part of Bouchard’s One World: One Team!”
Launched on September 9th the competition will run through December 31st. K is for Kids and the other charities will receive a percentage of proceeds when the competition finishes, plus the charities of the winning country/category will win an additional amount of funding for their nonprofit programs for children. K is for Kids is one of the charities in the “global or factionless” category (http://adventuresofai.com/
Click here for full media kit: 1 Charity Media Kit K is for Kids FINAL 07-16-14