Hundreds of young book lovers across Collier County read their way to the top and receive K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards
News Release: For Immediate Release June 7, 2018
By: Abigail Villagomez
K is for Kids FGCU Summer Intern
Media Contact: Karen D. Clawson
K is for Kids Founder and Executive Director
NAPLES –As the last month of school came around, students and their teachers packed up the classroom and prepared for summer vacation; meanwhile more than 700 Collier County students anticipated the presentation of the end-of-year Top Rising Reader Awards that they have been working, or rather reading, all year to earn. They devoured dozens of easy readers, chapter novels, and non-fiction titles in efforts to be named the “top” readers at their school.
These deserving book lovers took reading pledges, reached the required number of points with Reading Counts and/or read the required number of books from the Sunshine State Young Reader Award Books (SSYRA). The recipients were recognized for their efforts with a brand-new book of their choice donated by K is for Kids. “I am excited about my new book…” Gulf Coast High School student Madison P. says, “Due to my interest in this book, it makes me want to start reading as soon as I get it in my hands.”

A first grade student at Lake Trafford Elementary School in Immokalee shows the new book she chose to take home and keep after being named one of her school’s top readers of the year, compliments of the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program.
Since 2011 the K is for Kids Rising Readers program offers new books as rewards to children who reach their short-term and long-term goals throughout the school year. The motivational program encourages young students to challenge not only each other, but also themselves as developing readers. The honorees spend hours reading at school in between subjects and at home during their free time. The program stresses the importance of reading among youth because students who read independently become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not (U.S. Department of Education).

Young book lovers at Golden Terrace Elementary-Primary School celebrate being named the top readers at their school with Media Specialist Joyce Cordell. In addition to enjoying fun activities and refreshments at the special event, each student received new books that they had personally selected with the help of their teacher, funded by the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program.
“Each year our reading scores have increased,” stated Golden Terrace’s Media Specialist, Joyce Cordell. “We sincerely believe the book and reading incentives have been a big part of this improvement!”
This year’s honorees were recognized at over 22 schools and non-profit organizations in Collier County, including the program’s focus school of eight years, Golden Terrace Elementary School.

Young honorees from Pinecrest Elementary School smile brightly as they arrive at Barnes & Noble Booksellers with their Media Specialist Kris Blasucci. The students will get to personally select new books to take home and keep in recognition of being named their school’s top rising readers. The K is for Kids Rising Reader Book Awards funds the book purchases.

Jessica Olson, Community Business Development Manager at Barnes & Nobles, takes Poinciana Elementary School students on a tour of the store and shares high interest fiction books just published. The students earned the special shopping day by reading all 15 of the books on the Sunshine State Young Readers list. Funding was made possible thanks to the support of the K is for Kids Rising Reader Book Awards program.
Growing beyond the classroom, K is for Kids helps some schools organize field trips to the Waterside Shops, so students may choose their new book(s) at Barnes & Noble, then enjoy a complimentary lunch at California Pizza Kitchen.

A student from Golden Terrace Elementary-Intermediate School shops for her new books at Barnes & Nobles Booksellers at the Waterside Shops in Naples, Florida. courtesy of the K is for Kids Rising Reader Book Awards program.

Young honorees of K is for Kids Rising Reader Book Awards arrive back at Golden Terrace Elementary-Intermediate School with big smiles and new books. Photo by TJ Weeks.
At other schools, students were able to select books online then participate in a special awards assembly that included medals, certificates, fun activities and refreshments.

Second grade reading leaders at Village Oaks Elementary School in Immokalee show certificates of achievement and books they received for having scored the highest points in the Reading Counts program. The students got to personally select their new books, funded by the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards.

Oak Ridge Middle School students who had read all 15 of the Sunshine State Young Readers books during the school year received K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards. Photo by Theresa Ferreira.
“Our students look forward to receiving the books that are purchased from this donation to build their libraries at home,” said Oakridge Middle School Media Specialist, Theresa Ferreira.
The K is for Kids Rising Readers program 2017-18 was made possible by funding from Arthrex, GL Homes, Boake and Marian Sells, and Karen D. Clawson.
More About K is for Kids Unique Rising Readers Program
Kids of all ages shine at reading celebrations
“When parents are told their child is going to receive an award at school, they often ask if they may come witness the event, to see their child when he or she walks up to their teacher or principal to receive their books and certificate, shake their hand and turn to smile for the camera….it such a strong, joyous moment in everyone’s lives, said Karen Clawson, the “volunteer mom” who created K is for Kids Foundation with her two children, Erin Elizabeth Clawson and Patrick Clawson Jr. in 2008. “There are many ‘firsts’ for the kids, too,” she explained. “This is usually the first time the students have visited a book store; the first time they have gone online to purchase an item; the first time they’ve received an award and honored for their achievements. It’s such an amazing, empowering moment in their young lives.”

This three-year-old boy shows excitement getting to choose new books to take home and keep. Young children who are too busy to pause for a book often get hooked on reading when they get to select books that are interesting and fun to them. Funding provided by K is for Kids Rising Readers program.
Amy Pflaumer, media specialist at Mike Davis Elementary School, said, “These students have few if any books in their homes and this wonderful program awards hard work and perseverance. Thank you K is for Kids for offering such an amazing opportunity.”
Some of Collier County’s top performing readers
Golden Terrace Elementary-Primary School, Golden Gate City
Youngsters from Kindergarten to second grade celebrate their reading achievements at Golden Terrace Elementary-Primary School, enjoying fun activities and refreshments at the special gathering. They also love taking home their new books to enjoy reading over the summer. Thanks to Media Specialist Joyce Cordell, each young honoree gets to join her in the media center to personally shop for their new books online beforehand, funded by the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program.
Media Specialist Joyce Cordell says each teacher may invite one RAD (Remarkable and Dedicated Reader) from their Kindergarten and first grade classrooms. The students are chosen for having shown great effort and growth in reading that year. In addition, any Kindergarten, first or second grade student that has met an established end-of-year Reading Counts point goal or is the top student in the program is also invited. All classes are represented plus all students have the opportunity to come by meeting those goals. Pizza, chips, drinks, and dessert are served at the event. Students receive certificates of achievement and badges. The kids also participate in a make and take bookmark activity.
Golden Terrace Elementary-Intermediate School, Golden Gate City
Media Specialist works closely with teachers at Golden Terrace Elementary-Intermediate School to host two events for the school’s third through fifth grade reader leaders. The first recognizes students who have read the most Sunshine State Young Reader books who get to go on a special field trip to Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Naples to personally select books funded by the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program. In addition, the young honorees get to enjoy a tour of and complimentary lunch at California Pizza Kitchen.
The second event is held in the school library for the top two readers in each fifth grade classroom, and the overall top readers in grades three through five. Honorees enjoy ice cream sundaes, get commemorative t-shirts and receive their brand new book that they have personally selected beforehand.

Two young boys from Golden Terrace Elementary-Intermediate show the books they selected to purchase at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Naples. Each year, students who have read the most Florida Sunshine State Young Reader books get to go on the special trip to shop for new books with grant money from the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program.
Golden Gate Elementary-Intermediate School
Top readers at Golden Gate Elementary-Intermediate School students receive money to purchase books at Barnes & Noble in Naples, courtesy of the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program. Afterward shopping, the students enjoy a complimentary lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. Third from right is Media Specialist Kelly Knapke.
Lake Trafford Elementary School – Immokalee
Recipients of K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards at Lake Trafford Elementary School receive certificates of achievement, ribbons and new books they’ve earned as the most improved readers in their class. The young honorees work, or rather read, hard all school year to be named the top “Raging Readers” of their school.
Lake Park Elementary
Each year Media Specialist Carol Roberts organizes a principal’s luncheon (this year, a breakfast, due to many end-of-year event) for the top readers at Lake Park Elementary. When parents learned of the awards, they asked if they could be on hand to witness the event, they were invited too. Each honoree receives a personalized plaque from Mr. Market recognizing their accomplishment of being a top reader in their grade level and get to choose a new, just released hard cover Sunshine State Young Readers book to enjoy over the summer, courtesy of the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards.
Lely Elementary School – Naples
Each year teachers at Lely Elementary School selects the student who has shown the most improvement in their reading skills to join them at a special breakfast hosted by Media Specialist Miffy Ruggiero, shown third from left. This year, Miffy happily reported there was 100% participation in the Greatest Gains and Grains Breakfast. Young honorees get the chance to choose new books to take home and keep, too, courtesy of the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program.
Mike Davis Elementary School
At Mike Davis Elementary School, Media Specialist Amy Pflaumer and staff recognize the top four readers with most words read in Reading Counts in grades two through five with book awards that will be given just in time to enjoy over the summer. Two readers in grade one also receive new books. A special event honoring the reader leaders is held and later published on the WMDE morning news show.
Pinecrest Elementary School – Immokalee
Media Specialist Alma McDermott and staff at Pinecrest Elementary School use the following criteria for selecting the worthiest students who will get to go on a special trip to shop at Barnes & Noble for reading trip award — Teachers honor one student from each classroom that has shown effort along with reading growth throughout the school year, using Reading Counts and IReady data, along with quarterly reading logs. Students who have read a million words or more also get to participate. Book purchases at Barnes & Noble are funded by the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program. Students also get to enjoy lunch at Cici’s Pizza on their trip back to school. An award ceremony with cake and punch follows upon arriving at school. Each honoree receives a framed certificate of achievement, and the million word readers each receives a medal, with a trophy going to the top student with the most words.
Poinciana Elementary School
Media Specialist Kristi Humberger works hard all year raising funds so that the top readers at Poinciana Elementary School may celebrate their reading achievements in a big way: Students in third through fifth grades who have read all 15 SSYRA books get to ride in a limousine to enjoy lunch at Mercato, then continue on to the Waterside Shops to shop for new books to take home and keep at Barnes & Noble. In addition to selecting books for themselves, the young honorees get to help select new books for their school library, too. The K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program provides funding for the young honorees’ book purchases.
Village Oaks Elementary School – Immokalee
Media Specialist Megan Barr gathered the top performing readers at Village Oaks Elementary School to receive certificates of achievement and to enjoy fun activities — including getting to use the library’s Lego wall. Each honoree also got to choose one or two new books to take home and keep, just in time for summer reading.
Golden Gate Middle School
Top readers at Golden Gate Middle School selected two books each to take home and read over the summer reported Media Specialist Erin Boyd.
Oakridge Middle School
Media Specialist Theresa Ferreira invites Oakridge Middle School students who have read all 15 Sunshine State Young Reader books to come to a special end-of-year celebration where they may choose two brand new, just released books on the list for the upcoming school year. The books are funded by a special grant from GL Homes supporting the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program.
Gulf Coast High School
Former Media Specialist Robert Wind, who now teaches English at Gulf Coast High School selected top rising readers using the criteria that the students must achieve College Ready status by passing the FSA Reading, SAT Reading, or ACT Reading prior to the end of the year. The young honorees were able to personally select two new books, thanks to the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards. The students each received a summer reading goodie bag filled with book marks, their new books, and sun glasses along with a certificate acknowledging the hard work that they put forth to reach the special status.
Lorenzo Walker Technical High School
Media Specialist Vanessa Alvarez was thrilled to be able to take 14 avid readers on a first-time-ever field trip to Barnes & Noble in Naples where they got to shop for new books funded by the K is for Kids Top Rising Reader Book Awards program.
Naples High School
Each year, Media Specialist Rebecca Endrelunas selects students who share a love of reading and either are members of Naples High School’s book club and/or student assistants in the media center.