Village Oaks Elementary students, in a special “read-aloud” by media specialist Stephanie Griffin, were featured in a Naples Daily News editorial and now in a Daily Planet TV segment about Finding Nemo 3D! K is for Kids donated the books and glasses.—september-13-2012/#clip760596
Thanks to Discovery Channel/Daily Planet’s producer Shelley Ayres, the entire second grade of Village Oaks Elementary School in Immokalee has their pic seen with Nemo swimming before them during the last 10 seconds of the “Finding Nemo 3D” segment. The show aired on September 13th.
The piece beings at 7:30 minutes with Nemo swimming before the class of students at about 12:35 minutes.
Shelley rang K is for Kids’ founder, Karen Clawson, saying she spotted the photo of the students online in the Naples Daily News editorial that ran December 24 of last year.
It all happened after media specialist, Stephanie Griffin selected special books donated by K is for Kids Foundation that included 3D glasses. She was able to get enough for the entire second grade class at Village Oaks. Stephanie held a special “read-aloud” in 3D with the class and captured the photo of the students.
Sending the photo in with a testimonial about K is for Kids efforts to give kids in need new books to read, the Naples Daily News editorial staff featured the literacy event and awarded K is for Kids a “starfish” for their and Mrs. Griffin’s efforts to broaden children’s horizons.
Click here to read the Naples Daily News editorial:—nuts_and_stars_edits/