Help us give the gift of literacy this season by supporting the Holiday Book Drive at Barnes & Noble, Waterside Shops benefiting K is for Kids®

Kids in need, need books to read and K is for Kids® will be counting on the generosity of holiday shoppers to help fill that need during Barnes & Noble’s third annual Holiday Book Drive benefiting the Foundation that continues until the end of the year.

Barnes & Noble Holiday Book Drive

The book drive, which started at the beginning of November, will shift into high gear the day after Thanksgiving – Black Friday – when customer care associates begin offering patrons of the Waterside Shops bookseller the opportunity to purchase grade-appropriate books for K is for Kids to donate to those school and community libraries throughout Collier County that serve the most economically needy children.

Clawson, who started the not-for-profit K is for Kids Foundation in 2008, is passionate about ensuring more children have access to books. “Think about it. One lone book will pass through the hands of dozens, if not hundreds of kids,” she says. “We want people to realize that a book can benefit many, many kids.” She notes that the Collier County Public School Web site shows more than 58 percent of the local student population is categorized as economically needy because they qualify for free or reduced-priced lunch. “That’s 25,451 students out of the 43,142 who attend our schools,” she explains. “Most of those children will never own a book, nor have one to read at home without the community’s help. Children want to read and they want to find good books that open their imagination,” she explains, “but they need more books to read. Our goal is to place as many books as possible in the hands of children who need them.”

The K is for Kids display at Barnes & Noble features several recommended titles for pre-school through high school ages, but shoppers are welcome to browse the extensive children’s and young adult sections for book selections, too. The book drive will continue through Dec. 31 and will benefit hundreds of area children by providing new reading material to fill the gaps in existing school and community collections.

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