Category: Top Stories
Founder Karen Clawson speaks with Jim McLaughlin on Wink News Radio
Listen to Karen Clawson speak with Jim McLaughlin on Wink News Radio about K is for Kids® mission to raise books and promote children’s literacy.Read More…
K is for Kids® on the Bob Harden Show 98.9
Listen to K is for Kids’ founder Karen Clawson on the Bob Harden Show as heard 9/20/2010 on 98.9 WGUF, Naples FM Talk.Read More…
“Power in the world starts with the power of the word; read it, say it, share it.”
“You think we look silly, ‘cuz we’re so old, but we are here, so you can be told–it’s books you’re needin’, ya’ better get readin’, to grab your power in the world; it starts with the power of the word. So read it!” — […]Read More…
Teen Advisory Team Council Helps Gift Wrap Shoppers’ Books at Barnes & Noble during Holiday Book Drive
Adult and teen volunteers provided helping hands for gift wrapping shopper’s books at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Waterside Shops.Read More…
Teen Advisory Team Helps Local Children Create Storyboards for Giant Filmstrip on Canvas at Naples CityFest “Films & Flavors On 5th” – NIFF video at right
When Naples International Film Festival and the Downtown Naples Association invited K is for Kids® to their first CityFest “Films & Flavors on 5th” event, twenty-six teen volunteers gathered to help local children create storyboards for our giant filmstrip on canvas.Read More…
Help us give the gift of literacy this season by supporting the Holiday Book Drive at Barnes & Noble, Waterside Shops benefiting K is for Kids®
Kids in need, need books to read and K is for Kids® will be counting on the generosity of holiday shoppers to help fill that need during Barnes & Noble’s third annual Holiday Book Drive benefiting the Foundation that continues until the end of […]Read More…
CityFest Films & Flavors, by Heidi, Teen Advisory Team
K is for Kids® Foundation attended the CityFest Films & Flavors on 5th Ave. S, where the teens of the foundation began a story board which then other children could spontaneously and creatively draw anything to add to the adventure.Read More…
Once Upon A Time….How shall our story begin?
Send in your ideas about how the story should begin as children create storyboards for our film strip on canvas at tomorrow’s CityFest “Films & Flavors on 5th” — Read more about this interactive event on our earlier posts.Read More…
Oct. 30th Event Location
We will be setting up at 2:00 pm on 5th Avenue just to the east of BICE on the street.Read More…
K is for Kids® at “Films & Flavors on 5th” Oct. 30th!
YOU are invited to CityFest! Come join our Teen Advisory Team as they create storyboards with kids of all ages for a large filmstrip on canvas and special one-of-a-kind K is for Kids® book at the “Films & Flavors on 5th” event Saturday, October […]Read More…